Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pre Easter Festivities...

While Garrett was watching players being "cradled" by their coach, Taylor and I slaved in the kitchen.

Taylor made the chocolate covered strawberries... so good! And I made some rice krispie eggs that we all decorated. Garrett was pretty creative, putting peach rings on his.
And since that wasn't enough food, we tie dyed eggs after Bradley went to bed.
We had so much fun this Easter and are so grateful to be living close to family again.

I think it's safe to say that Brad loved the pre-Easter festivities.


Angela and Mike said...

HAH, I love the "cradled" picture you posted. How weird WAS that? I was not okay with that.

Your Easter celebrations looked like so much fun--minus the snow--. Glad you were able to celebrate it with family!

Chanell said...

Ohhh those rice crispie eggs look good- we will have to do that next year. Hard boiled eggs are gross.

Ryan and Brittany said...

Thanks for the update, it seems like forever since we saw you guys (ridiculous right?!).